Thursday, January 21, 2010

A ret of fucking keys

So now is the fucking problem. He said he have me the kia keys in the dealership. And I don't fucking Remember i got the set of keys. And I didn't use that set of keys that he "handed" to me to drive that's for sure. Why the fuck whenever anything is missing and it's always my fault!? Like i was suppose to carry every fucking thing in my fucking pocket?! Fuck!

Monday, January 11, 2010


因为实在无聊, 所以看到什么都会想要拍下来自我娱乐一下. 今天去买菜走出超市的时候看到一个老头子摆了张小桌子为另一个退伍的老头子凑钱治眼睛.感觉挺温馨的,假如有那么一天我也有什么事情大概不会有人为我做这些事情吧. 想到这里我忍不住也想要捐点点自己的力所能及. 打开钱包一看我也只有四块钱而已. 掏出来两块很不好意思的要放进那钱箱里面. 老头子还要我报上数目. 唉~ 原谅我吧. 今年的新年目标是可以顺利的找到一份工作,顺利的上学,顺利的升级. 因为我现在非常迫切的需要钱. 以后不管作的是什么工作,每一次的工资都要捐一点点出去给福利基金会. 以后有机会还是会努力的做好事的. 祈祷中.....